Fast & Furious - New Model, Original Parts
Listen to the "Fast & Furious - New Model, Original Parts" trailer and fill in the gaps.
BRIAN: Get out of the way! … Move it (weg da)!
BRIAN: Give me a name!
DOMINIC: Are you here to take me in (festnehmen), O'Conner?
BRIAN: Hell no!
, too.
BRIAN: I'm going with you.
DOMINIC: I ain't
BRIAN: This is where my jurisdiction (Zuständigkeitsbereich) ends.
DOMINIC: And this is
DOMINIC: What's to stop someone from telling them you're a cop?
BRIAN: Probably the same thing that's keeping me from telling why you're really here.
BRIAN: A lot has changed.
LETTY: Dom? … Dom!