Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness

Listen to the "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness" trailer and fill in the gaps.
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WONG: Don't cast (aussprechen) that spell (Zauber)! It's .
STRANGE: Why? We tampered (herumhantieren) with the stability of spacetime (Raumzeit). The Multiverse ... is a concept about which we know frighteningly (erschreckend) little.

MORDO: Your desecration (Schändung) of reality will not go unpunished (ungestraft).
STRANGE: . … But for any of this to happen.

MAXIMOFF: Well, I knew you'd show up. I made mistakes and people were hurt.
STRANGE: to talk about Westview.
WANDA: Then what are you here for?
STRANGE: I need your help.
MAXIMOFF: With what?
STRANGE: about the Multiverse?

MORDO: , Stephen. . The greatest threat (Bedrohung) … is you!