3d-Darstellung der DNS

The students learn about the location of the DNA in cells. They revise the structure of the DNA. To destroy the cell compartments in different ways (mechanically and chemically) they can understand the chemical composition of the cell compounds.

FächerChemie Labor
Erstellt vonDI Nina Maurer, HBLA Sitzenberg
Dauer3-4 UE
Schulstufe12. Schulstufe
KompetenzenThe students learn about the location of the DNA in cells. They revise the structure of the DNA. To destroy the cell compartments in different ways (mechanically and chemically) they can understand the chemical composition of the cell compounds.

The students are supported to listen to the English language. By listening to the verbs, they get a good working tool for the language. The students can describe a work procedure by themselves.


1.    Work sheet; the teacher reads the text and the students have to write down the verbs.
2.    Fill in the verbs in the gap text
3.    Put the working steps into the correct order.
4.    Perform the DNA-isolation and make a video of this activity.